Assignment #9 – Oppression Essay

Oppressed people are people who are being treated cruel or unjust for a long period of time. Systems of oppression are the systems that oppress people by the way they are doing something for a long period of time. Levels of oppression are just the different types of how people are being treated cruel over a long period of time. There are three levels of oppression which institutional, interpersonal, and internalized oppression. Ways that political oppression and interpersonal oppression can happen is by who decides what to do with misbehaving students  and how students are being treated for wanting their education because it is based on a law and the way others act towards others.

First of all, oppressed people can experience political oppression by who decides what to  do with students who are misbehaving at schools because it happens based on a law that was passed. There is an article that talks about the school-to -prison pipeline which is where student are pushed out of the education environment to the prison environment. This article mentions that schools have a police where if you’re misbehaving you will be suspended. Once that happens , data show that those students are less likely to graduate and more likely to be on their way too prison. This article comes from the website and it was titled “Understanding the School-to-Prison Pipeline”. The article was written on April 25. 2017 by Nicki Lisa Cole, Ph D. A quote from the article says,” The two key forces that produced and now maintain the school-to-prison pipeline are the use of zero tolerance policies that mandate exclusionary punishments…” The quote is talking about a political oppression because its saying that this rule called the zero policy causes students to be pushed out to keep order but that isn’t what it’s doing.  The  students who are are misbehaving don’t get a chance to  get help because they have the zero tolerance policy. This rule that schools have is something that is hurting students because they are forced to leave and they are now less likely to have the motivation of coming back to school. That eventually leads them to the criminal system and not having a productive life.

Additionally, oppressed people can experience interpersonal oppression by being mistreated for wanting to be educated and being successful because it’s the way other people treat others. One article is informing us that terrorists are killing Afghan girls because they don’t want them to know that they have rights. The girls want to go to school so that they can feel like they have power. But terrorist don’t want that so they are throwing acid to the girls faces and poison their water just because they believe girls are a tool that they have have power over meaning that men can do anything to them. This article is from the website and it is titled “Acid attacks, poison: What Afghan girls risk by going to school” and it was written by Allie Torgan on March 17, 2016. One quote from the articles says ,”  “The day we opened the school, (on) the other side of town, they threw hand grenades in a girls’ school, and 100 girls were killed.” This quote is saying that they are making the girls seem unimportant because they killed them. And interpersonal oppression is seen here because of the harsh way they terrorist acted toward the Afghan girls.. That was the consequence when this all girls school opened, the terrorist wanted the new school to already be afraid of them. This is not right in any way because girls should be educated so that they won’t depend on men for everything. The education should be something that makes them feel powerful. But terrorist  don’t want that because they are acting a certain way toward these girls.

Assignment #2 – EMBED A MAP

Occupy Oakland is a protest that happened on October 10, 2011 in Downtown Oakland. The people did a strike, riot, and picketing. The reason for this was because of wealth inequality, Police misconduct  and corporatism. There were more than 4 injuries and more than 400 arrest made by the police. This is an example of Internalized oppression because people did the protest to tell people to treat them unfairly. This story happened on Downtown Oakland in October 10, 2011.

Oscar Grant was murdered at the Fruitvale Bart station in the morning of the New Year’s of 2009. This incident happened because supposedly there was a fight in the Bart coming from San Francisco so the Bart police came and detained Oscar along with others. When Oscar was facing down the officer named Johannes Mehserle shot him on the back. Because of that injustice there were many protests that happened. I believe the murder of Oscar Grant is interpersonal oppression because the officer behaved unfairly towards Oscar by murdering him, when he was no threat to  the officers. The murder of Oscar Grant happened on the Fruitvale Bart station on January 1 , 2009.